This last weekend we had big plans to do our yearly slot canyon trip in St George, but the plans fell through pretty last minute and we were stuck at home with nothing to do. One thing you should know about Dan, if you don't already know, is that he HATES sitting at home with nothing to do! He is probably the most active/social person I know. So when our adventure fell through and we had no plans, I was worried about my poor husband. But he was so great the whole weekend! Friday night he let me choose a movie to watch (knowing it would be a Jennifer Aniston chick flick, duh) and he even let me eat all the popcorn. (Okay, okay...I just ate it all before he had a chance to have any.) I chose a Jennifer Aniston movie I hadn't seen yet:

As soon as Kevin Bacon popped up on the screen as the hottie of the movie, I realized how old it actually was. The movie turned out not as good as I'd hoped {Dan's edit: that's an understatement, it wasn't even worth watching!} but hey, if it has Jennifer Aniston that's all that matters to me! Then Dan played PS3 with the guys and let me go to bed early. Ahhh I love going to bed early! (How lame am I??!)
Then Saturday rolled around (which Dan happened to have off for our trip that fell through) so we slept in, did some cleaning, and spent the afternoon in the sun playing frisbee golf in Brigham City. Saturday night we bbq'd with our most favorite peeps Jenny & Mike, Roger & Trevor. After the bbq we hit the late show of Date Night (again, per my request. Dan let me choose BOTH movies, that's unheard of!)

I just LOVED this movie!! I laughed so hard I was actually crying a little in one scene. My only disclaimer is that there is a scene that was slightly awkward and not funny hardly at all. Dumb. But that scene aside, it was freakin HILARIOUS!! Loved it. Dan liked it too, he said "it was funnier then I thought it would be".
Sunday was relaxing, and Monday was spent sleeping in, cleaning and organizing boxes and unpacked suitcases in the office and bedroom. Dan moved the bed and dressers, and our room is actually clean and organized now! It was fabulous. Nice, relaxing and accomplished weekend-check! Slot canyon/Rock Climbing Zions trip? Coming soon!
And now the sun is slowly going down which means Tuesday is practically over and we're closer to another three day weekend! I really hope it's hot enough for rock climbing and swimming. If it's still rainy and cold, I'll have to let Dan choose a movie this time....Blood and gore here we come. I'll just keep my fingers crossed for sun!
Well next time your weekend getaway falls through I believe it is time for a Ticket To Ride Champions round!