I have a good feeling about this month. Not only because the leaves are changing, pumpkins on haystacks are being displayed outside of every grocery store, I'm drinking hot drinks and sipping hot soups, planning this years Halloween costumes (it will be a surprise! Just wait till you see Rockies costume...), ETC! ...But also because I have been slowly slipping out of my September habits and picking up some new ones. I hate to jinx myself, but I'm starting to feel more and more like me everyday! The lazy, tired, unmotivated September me has been turning into a clean the house, work out regularly, take Rockie on daily walks, actually work at work October me! Baby must like Fall...
I went shopping last weekend at the mall, and even though I did buy some items at my favorite and extremley overly-priced store, The Buckle...I realized that if I spent the majority of my money at a different store, I would be able to get more. So I walked next door to Rue 21 and fell in love! With the same amount of money I could have used on two shirts at the buckle, I bought a pair of skinny jeans, two scarves, earrings, a shirt and an adorable pea coat! What a deal, right? I'm so proud of myself.
That same day, for Dan's birthday I surprised him with the gun he has been wanting, a Ruger LCP 380. It was a funny story that I'll shorten up for you: As I was driving to Ogden to buy the gun for him as a surprise, he called me from Ogden (he was there on a job for work) to see if he could pick up the gun he wanted. What are the odds?! I made up a sap story about wanting to go with him to buy it. He was a tad bothered about me being "such a girl" but he went with it, pheww. We passed each other on his way home, and luckily he didn't see me! That boy...I have a similar story for every holiday/celebration we've had since we've been dating! He is the hardest person in the WORLD to shop for, because he just buys what he wants when he wants it. Even when I've already bought it as a surprise and it's two days before Christmas/Birthday/Wedding.... !!! New rule: Dan can't shop starting 1 month before any holiday or celebration. Done.
We have a fun weekend planned with the USU vs BYU football game tonight (GO AGGIES!!! Sorry mom. :) and four-wheeling with friends tomorrow. It's so fabulous not being sick all the time anymore. I can't wait until I can feel baby, I haven't felt anything yet and it bums me out a little! Speaking of bums me out, my 15 week picture soon to come. I have love handles and a stomach I have to hide, but growing a baby is just so worth it! Right?? Of course it is. Once baby comes I'm sure I'll have a better attitude about the love handles she/he brought me...
So that is all for now. Goodbye September...He-LO October!!!
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