Tuesday is my Monday.

Back to work!

Last weekend felt extra long, which is always a good thing. Of course the big Birthday might have had something to do with it.

Saturday was a nice relaxing recovery day for us all, in which we still kept finding bits of cake coming out of little man's nose.

Sunday we were anticipating a nice, sunny day so we called up some good friends and scheduled a picnic at the riverwalk. And even though our sunny day turned into a cloudy, windy day, we still had a great time. This picnic was followed by a long walk that ended with Jace on daddy's shoulders because he got tired of his stroller.

Then last night I went out with my sisters to see The Hunger Games. And it. Was. FABULOUS.

So even though it's my "Monday", I'm working two days this week and both of those days involve free lunch. Not to mention a championship basketball game right in the middle of the week. And lots of Cadbury creme eggs.

Yep, it's a rough life livin on easy street.

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