"I think being a working mom is the hardest job in the world. Constant juggling and guilt. Kicking like mad to stay afloat... Constant rushing and attempting to fit 10 lbs of potatoes in a 5 lb sack. ...Whether you want to work or have to- I applaud you and celebrate you. Either way it's a hard gig." {words from Chrissy}
On a typical week, little dude goes to preschool three days-tuesday, wednesday and thursday-from 9 to 5, while mama goes to work.When I initially made the decision to go back to work it was not my first choice, but since then I have realized the blessing it has turned out to be for my little family. It has opened my eyes to a whole new world and without the oppurtunity to go back to work I wouldn't be who I am right now. The hubs, little dude and I are all better people because of this oppurtunity and I am proud.
But that being said, it doesn't make everything easy. It is hard, somedays more than others.
Typically, one of three things can happen to really ruin our week. One, stress at work. Two, last minute cancellation of preschool. Three, and this is the worst, little dude getting sick.
This week, I got BOTH one and two. (Although I'm happy to not have number three.) Needless to say...it's been a stressful week.
Work has been nothing but draining. Finding sitters this week was stressful. It all worked out but it's been a bumpy, inconsistent, hectic road that gave me quite the headache.
And if I'm being honest, I also have this attitude during summertime. Every year during the wintertime I think, hot dog, I am so happy that I work part time and I don't have to stay cooped up in the house all winter long! But then every summer I think, well crap I sure would love to spend every single day at the pool!
So there's that.
We are go getters in my family. We like to go, go, go! Do, do, do! Parks and playgrounds and pools and hikes and walks and roadtrips and events and THE WORKS. If you want to torture us, make us stay at home all day long. Sometimes, having to get up, get ready and get out the door before nine o' clock in the morning is kind of blissful. It makes me feel accomplished and hard working. I enjoy the fact that I get both days to be lazy, and days to make up for being lazy. But I also enjoy the routine of it. No, I need the routine of it. For my sanity. And this week, by golly, I haven't had an ounce of routine. It's been more like chaos and that whole fitting ten pounds of potatoes in a five pound sack kind of thing.
And while I'm complaining... DO NOT DRIVE IF YOU CAN AVOID IT because every single gosh dang road in town is closed right now, and if I see ONE MORE ORANGE DETOUR SIGN I am going to drive off a cliff!
This week has been hard. I've been juggling so much that I'm considering joining the circus. But the good news is that it's over now, and I have a four day weekend of not being able to keep up on the dishes or laundry and feeling really guilty about that too. But it's summertime and I can't worry about dishes or laundry when we need to spend every waking second of every weekend soaking up the sun.
On the plus side: I have some fun pictures of our boating night that I will post soon and also, little dude slept until 9:00 this morning which, hello!? Just awesome.
All of this crappy work week aside, it really is summertime and that's been a grand feeling. And all of this crappy work week aside, I really do love my little family and my crazy life.
I'm just ready for life to go back to a normal routine.
And this is the conclusion of my vent session following the longest week ever. Thank you for your patience.
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