To prepare Jace for the annual cruise-in parade on Saturday, the hubs went to the store and bought a handful of hot wheels muscle cars to give to him, after which he ingrained in his mind the term "muscle car" so that J would really know what he was getting into for the parade. It worked well, of course, but he's a boy that was born with muscle cars in his soul somehow so that's no surprise I suppose. It's fun, you know, watching the hubs interact with mister J the older he gets. My boy! My bud! you know, all of that stuff. It kind of makes my heart happy.
So the cruise-in parade was a big hit, as we assumed it would be. Tires! Trucks! Muscle cars! Engines revving and sirens blazing and horns honking and handfuls of heaven for these boys of mine. And me, well I never did have an interest in cars much but I did a fine job of keeping my phone in my purse and pretending to pay attention anyway, so I'm very proud of myself. Even though I forgot to take a picture of a car. DOH.
Speaking of which, if you can't tell from the pictures, this is some soupy weather we've had. The kind of soupy that makes your hair and face impossible to work with. BUT to it's defense, it was gloriously overcast and when you thought you were too hot the wind would roll in just so, with the night ending in a little thunderstorm where you could watch the lightning flash over the mountains. So, there was that.
Not too mention it has been the week of the most beautiful sunsets! And also the week of my remembering why I live here and how much I love it in the valley. I may have a city girl heart but even I can admit that this is home and beauty and traditions and safety and lovely and perfect. Okay, not perfect. But it holds my heart all the same. And these cool summer nights after long, hot summer days are just the loveliest. Shorts all day, add a sweater at night, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Anyway, now it's Monday, you know. I missed my morning run and stayed in bed until after nine o'clock, but we had a park playdate with cousins and I did do the dishes, so that's something? Not too mention, I did some online shopping last week and the anxiety of waiting for your package to arrive on the doorstep is nothing but exhilarating. I am a hopeless addict, but also, it is always worth it. So that will make the week a tad more exciting.
Listen, I really hope your summer is going slower than mine! Someone make it stop!
But it's okay. Because Fall follows Summer and we all love Fall. Shhhh, let's not talk about it yet though. Too soon.
Happy Monday! Or just, Monday. Whatever you prefer.
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