Monday Inspiration

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I found this quote the other day and it inspired me off my rocker. If you don't know this by now: I take my inspiration very seriously.

I have put all of my energy into being all there, wherever I am, and my eyes have opened into a whole new world. My phone stays put in one place most of the day, pulling it out only to take pictures or check missed calls. I use my social media as a reward now, at the end of the day when mister J is in bed and I'm ready for some downtime.

And now. I find myself soaking up life, every minute of it. Time with mister J, the hubs, family dinners, county fairs. I notice things I never noticed, I cherish things I never cherished. It's a world I love, this world, with the people I love most.

Wherever you are, be all there.

It should also be noted that where I am today is stranded at home without a car, cleaning the house again. Cleaning is so overrated, wouldn't you agree?

It should also be noted that I have stopped drinking Dr Pepper for a while and, those headaches. Oh those headaches! I am saved only by raspberry tea.

Happy Monday you guys. Make it great.

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