Our week in pictures.


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Yes, that is a picture of mister J sitting on the potty. No, there is no potty training going on at our house. Sometimes we just put him there in the hopes that we might get lucky, you know? That maybe he will accidentally go while he is sitting on the potty, and then when we clap and cheer and give him some skittles he will think, well shoot I might do that again sometime! No luck so far. I'll keep you updated. Because I know everyone is dying to hear about a poop in the potty! and I don't feel bad for you because, even though you have to hear about it, at least you don't have to do the dirty work.

Let's move on. Friday! Our weekend is bringing us thunderstorms and four-wheeling. Doesn't that sound fantastic?

Also, let's talk about healthy eating for a minute. I'm trying to eat a little bit healthier and it is the pits. I just want cookie dough and popcorn everyday, is that too much to ask for? Well you'll be happy to hear that I cut my popcorn back to every other day. And are frozen burritos healthy? Because I've been eating a lot of those, which I feel like might be a big step up from pizza? But who knows.

I've always been a firm believer that running and working out will cancel out what you eat. So I run and I work out and I eat whatever I want. But I'm growing up and whatnot, so I guess healthy foods have good benefits, and blah blah blah. Whatever. I'll work on it, okay? I'm working on it! Don't pressure me, geez! Why did you bring this up anyway?!

Okay, let's stop talking about eating healthy. I really want a dr. pepper with lunch and all of this is making me feel guilty. If there is one thing I hate, it's feeling guilty, so I avoid it all costs.

Folks, I wish I had something profound or exciting to say now but I guess I don't? Don't fret, when something profound comes or something exciting happens, I'll be here to tell you about it. Like I always do. I've just recently pushed through a stage of writers block and my book is taking off, that's exciting, right? Finding time to sit down and write every single day is tough. But only a few hundred more pages to go... I'll keep you updated on that as well.

And now. Now, I'm going to kiss friday on the face and start this weekend thing. Right after I eat some olive garden leftovers and wash them down with a dr. pepper.

Happy Weekend! Have fun! Be kind!

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