// We live in this beautiful place that has a hundred beautiful walks and hikes and how lucky are we? One of our very favorites since having mister J is the nature trail. A beautiful, {mostly} leisurely stroll by the river. These pictures are from a couple of weeks ago and it's making me jealous of that warm fall weather.
We jumped into cold this week. You know, the real cold where the rain turns thick and threatening and the snow on the mountain tops creeps down farther into the valley. The hubs and I were playing a friendly game of whoever turns the heater on first loses, and due to my constant complaining he ended up losing. Which was all part of my plan, you know.
I'm not going to say that I'm depressed about it though, because truly I'm not. I mean, everyone knows that snow and I don't get along well but the cold is all right. I don't mind it, I guess. Not right now anyway. And I have high hopes that it will warm back up again soon.
Speaking of cold, I have been on the hunt for a perfect jacket. I found a steal of a deal on a leather jacket at h&m recently, the kind of deal that is fate because it's the last jacket in your size and it was hanging in the wrong place when you found it. So obviously I had to buy.
But the perfect jackets that I've been finding are mucho out of my price range. Check these babies out:
This one, this one, and this one. Be still my heart! I'm hoping for some grand cyber monday sales this year. Patience is not my strong suit.
Let's see, what else... OH of course, tonight we are going to the usu vs byu football game so we are pretty stoked for that! I have high hopes that our team will win this year. (I have high hopes every year, so...) I'm also prepared to freeze my little buns off so I won't worry about overpacking on blankets this time.
Happy Friday you guys!
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