Goodbye Summer - 2017


And just like that, Summer is over.

The leaves are changing, the cool air is settling in, the whole world smells of pumpkins and cinnamon. Fall is the season of my heart. Fall arrives as a pleasant relief, just as the heat of Summer has really settled into my bones and made me so weary. I am my most creative self in Autumn, on slow rainy days when the leaves are crimson and the world is quiet.

Over the Summer I deactivated my Facebook account, leaving myself only Instagram to post updates and write out my thoughts and poems. It has been a real detox of a Summer for me and I have come to some very soul enlightening realizations, such as the apparent fact that "busy" is the enemy. I am my worst self when I am busy. I need slow and simple in the same way I need water. I need small to-do lists and a humble amount of obligations. I need less chaos and more peace. I need time to think, to breathe, to really see the world around me.

I am grateful for all of these self discoveries I have made this year. I think all of us have inner whisperings, conversations of our souls telling us what we need and how to heal our cracks. We just need to be quiet enough to listen to them, and brave enough to follow.

Summer, you were wonderful and you taught us so much. Until next year!

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