

Historic Downtown Logan. It is charming and historical and exceptionally picturesque. Walking downtown makes me feel like I am in a movie, and don't you think you shouldn't ever take for granted any place that makes you feel like you are in a movie?

Once a week or so my sister and I meet right in the middle of downtown. We browse through the thrift store for new novels and grandma cardigans. After we thrift, we walk through an old yellow-bricked alley to Great Harvest for a thick slice of bread with a bowl of soup and a cup of tea. If we have time we cross main street and walk to Federal Avenue to browse incense at Earthly Awakenings or soaps at the Spirit Goat, maybe even to grab a cup of coffee from Caffé Ibis. The entire aspect of the downtown area in the Valley is intoxicating, and were I not a working mom with two boys under the age of six, I would spend a lot more of my leisure time there. You know, if I had leisure time.

This night here was the epitome of a perfect summer night with my crew. We started with giant bowls of vanilla ice cream, which is what all of the best Friday nights start with, if you ask me. We then walked downtown as the evening drew calm and the late afternoon air carried a hint of coolness from its balmy sun-soaked day. We wound around and ended up beneath the tall trees on the tabernacle where the boys sipped water from the fountain and climbed on the statues.

And those fiberglass Aggie bulls that line main street? The 'Aggie Stampede', as they call it. Do you remember when those were placed, and we all drove around town saying well what in tarnation are those ugly things!? And we really just hated them? And remember last August, how they declared that they were removing the bulls in September? And remember how they didn't remove the bulls? And anyhow, my kids love those bulls. So I don't know, I'm starting to think they aren't so bad. We do live in a college town, it makes sense, I suppose.

But I digress.

Next we walked back through the sidewalks and stopped at the court house, meandering in the quiet around the walks and the grass where they run the farmer's market every Saturday. We chatted and sipped our drinks and snapped pictures while the sun began to set behind us, enveloping historic bricked buildings in a perfect shade of some nameless color that settles in unnoticed on solstice nights when the sun drops but can still find a way to keep the town light.

Downtown, you beautiful slice of sweet pumpkin pie! I love ya! It obviously gets me carried away, this whole thing. This is all to say that my cup is filling fast with nights like these!

P.S. if you haven't tried Even Stevens yet YOU ARE MISSING OUT.

Hashtag best sandwiches in town.

Hashtag and most addicting chips.

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