Five Things


1. This new restaurant in town FOR THE WIN! It was so good. If you live in the Valley (or in SLC, they have one too), and if you love sushi, you have to go there.

2. This throwback that I have been re-watching on the abc app. The 90's! Keri Russell! So much good!

3. This kit that I won at the reel rock film tour! I never win anything so it was terribly exciting.

4. This dry shampoo. I was always so in love with my yellow-capped-suave but then they stopped selling it at my market, which was such a sad day. I have been trying this and that, and I have finally fallen in love with a new one! It does not smell tropical the way the suave did, but the volume this one gives me makes up for it!

5. This twenty second clip that can change your life if you let it. Short and sweet and true.

Also: well hello! I have been a tad MIA over here. Life has felt especially busy these days, packed full and go-go-go. Between work and school and the kids and the stomach flu and a recent road-trip to Las Vegas for Fall break, I haven't had much time to sit down and write.

I am trying to write more. And not just here on the blog, but in general. I am always longing to sit down with a blank page in front of me and write whatever my heart desires. It is absolutely therapeutic for me. But finding quiet and finding time all to myself is a rarity. I crave quaint coffee shops and benches on isolated hills overlooking the rushing river. I dream of it often, having peaceful time all to myself where I can sit for hours and write.

Autumn makes me such a sap. This season is so perfect, so fresh and revitalizing and beautiful. I can not get enough. Anytime I see layers of crunchy leaves fallen beneath trees, covering the grass like a blanket, I veer off my path to slowly walk through them. I watch them scatter and listen to them crunch, I kick some of them up in the air, I smile. As though somehow walking with the leaves will make us one, this season and I. I know that it's not true, because I know that the other seasons are what make me appreciate this one so, but I sometimes believe that I would do wonderfully well in a world where Fall were the only season all year round.

Happy Friday friends! I am still working on planning something exciting for us this weekend. But I can not believe we are at the end of October, that next week will be Halloween and then November! It all but gives me anxiety, how fast it is going. I hope you have a lovely weekend! I will be back soon for some more posts and some life updates. Cross my heart!


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