Why my warm king size bed is more comfy now than ever before!

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// Our first camping trip of the year. In that there were no broken bones or hospital visits this time, I chalked it up to a success! Also, mister J slept great, well other than the twenty minutes in the middle of the night when the coyotes next door barked and howled and woke everyone up. And if you feared for our safety when reading that, don't worry...my little Rockie pup slept in my sleeping bag with me, and she was ready to fight if she needed to! Okay, just kidding. Really the giant of a dog in the tent next to us, he's the one who kept us safe. But don't tell Rockie, because she thinks she's fierce!

And sure, I froze my buns off but I have no one to blame but myself, since I didn't even pack any socks or tennis shoes. Why, you ask? Oh because I'm kind of ridiculous, that's why.

Also, chasing around a two year old while camping equals out to running ten miles, so I feel very in shape now. In a moment of frustration after chasing him constantly all day long, trying to keep him safe and all, I scolded him with the threat that I am not taking you camping again until you are six years old! But as usual, he didn't even know what I was saying and he ran off to climb the dangerous boulders again. Those two year olds, I tell you, they just don't listen! They are also attracted solely to anything unsafe, like five foot high boulders or speeding four-wheeler trails. It's very inconvenient.

ALL of that being said, we had a great time. We are looking forward to more camping this summer, oh wait...no, no I am looking forward to more camping when mister J is old enough to listen when I say STAY CLOSE BY! And not a minute sooner!

I will eat those words soon, I'm just sure of it. But it felt good to say it anyway.

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