Now the hubs, he would fight me on the liking to save money part. So maybe I should re-phrase: I love spending money, but I love spending it on clothes and shoes and shoes and shoes and clothes. Capisce? When it comes to makeup, I like to save money. Really, I do! Most of my makeup I buy at the drugstore, with just a few exceptions, and I always use coupons and sales to my advantage.
The other thing about me is that I idealize the simplistic beauties in life. I don't like the too-much-makeup look. I like simple makeup and natural tones.
And I reallllyyy like taking less than ten minutes to get ready in the mornings.
So due to all of the above, I have perfected a makeup routine with cheap and easy products. And would you know that many of you have requested my routine? I keep promising and I keep forgetting but don't you worry your pretty little minds, I've remembered today! On a monday of all things!
Let's get to it.
// 1 // OLAY complete facial moisturizer - My skin type is SENSITIVE and DRY. Aren't I lucky? This facial moisturizer has been my go-to for years. It's the only thing that doesn't make me break out, I love the stuff. ($20 - buy at drugstore)
// 2 // Coverstick - For concealer I'm not an avid on one brand kind of girl. I get whatever I have a coupon for or whatever is on sale, and one stick lasts me forever. If I'm wrong in this because there is a concealer out there that is the bees knees, well please do tell. But does breaking out ever really stop? I'm convinced that it doesn't, and I couldn't live without some concealer. ($2 - buy at drugstore)
// 3 // Mascara: Covergirl Lashblast + Maybelline Great Lash, both in black - My mascara routine is as follows: Two coats of covergirl lashblast at the base of my lashes, then once it's dry I apply one coat of the classic maybelline great lash on the ends of my lashes for length. I'm an avid believer in two different mascaras to get both thickness AND length. ($ 8 + $5 - buy at drugstore)
// 4 // Urban Decay Eye Primer - This stuff is worth every penny. I buy mine at Ulta. My eyelids are super oily and shadow has no chance of sticking if I don't use primer. This beaut is the only one that has really worked for me. All day long! And the thing lasts at least a year. Right now I'm using it in Greed for a hint of gold shimmer, but if we're being honest I'll be going back to original when this tube is gone. ($20 - buy at Ulta)
// 5 // Loreal Magic BB Cream + Bare Minerals Full Coverage Kabuki Brush - I think we all know that I swear by this bb cream. My skin is just fair enough that 'light' is too much color, but 'fair' is too fair, so I mix both together. I can not say enough good about this stuff! It really is magic! I don't apply any other foundation or base over my bb cream, as I like the simple-not-too-much-makeup look. ($ 9 - bb cream, buy at drug store)
AFTER applying the bb cream with my fingers, I brush my face with this bare minerals makeup brush to really blend. I use the expensive brush because of my sensitive skin, but I've had this brush for five years and it's still doing it's job. So. ($28 makeup brush, buy online)
// 6 // Physicians Formula Quad Eye Shadow, Matte Collection - I'm a neutral palette kind of girl. Again, simplicity is me! ($6 - buy at drugstore)
// 7 // Lancome crayon in Black Coffee - this eye crayon rocks my world. A little pricey, a lot worth it. I get black coffee which is the PERFECT color for a fair skinned blonde girl like myself. ($26 - buy at Dillards)
// 8 // Prestige brow kit - I use the prestige cosmetics brow shaping studio in light/medium. Not expensive, works well! And also, if you don't use a brow kit you are really, really missing out. It seals the deal girls, I PROMISE. ($9 - buy at Ulta)
// 1 // PINK body splash I must be a 17 year old girl at heart, because I love all of the Victoria's Secret PINK products. ($ 15 - buy at Victoria's Secret or Bath & Body Works)
// 2 // Suave Dry Shampoo The best smelling dry shampoo on the market, at the best price! ($4 - buy at drugstore)
// 3 // Uniq One All In One Hair Treatment Amaze-balls, this stuff. Use it like a leave-in conditioner. ($18 - Buy at salon or online)
// 4 // Neutrogena eye makeup remover ($5 - Buy at drugstore)
There you have it, nice and simple and not too expensive! That's how life should be, I suppose.
Happy Monday everyone! xoxo
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