38 weeks


This picture blew my mind. I don't feel as big as I look in pictures, so when I see them it kills me! So far I've gained 32 pounds. I have had a super easy pregnancy. I'm 38 weeks and still sleeping through the night just fine, besides the 4 am bathroom call every night. No aches, no heartburn, no swelling...I'm very lucky! The worst thing about it right now is just being so large. I'm grateful I was able to stay so active throughout my pregnancy, although I think I'm going to take the next 2 weeks off spinning now. Walking is my new exercise until baby comes!

My sister-in-law Jenny had her boy, Bridger! We plan on our boys being best friend cousins, since they are the same age and will be growing up together. I'm so excited for them to meet! When I was holding Bridger in the hospital my boy kept squirming and kicking Bridger, it was fun. I bet he was saying, "Hey Bridger, it's me! I'll see you soon!" I'm so happy that our sweet nephew arrived so healthy and safe, and Jenny went through such an easy labor. She did the hypnobabies also and she had such a good experience, and a fast and easy birth! It was such a happy day! I love that girl, she is amazing!

We're getting more and more prepared for our boy, as much as you can be prepared for your first child I guess. I'm not miserable in the least bit, but at the same time I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore and to have the little guy here! Pregnancy is a great experience, but I'm so ready to get my body back!!

Long overdue, here are some pictures of the nursery:

It's still a work in progress, but it's almost there! And yes, that is baby boy Croft's name: Jace Daniel Croft. We have been between Jace and Jaxson since we found out it was a boy. Just a few weeks ago Dan pointed out that "Jack" would be short for Jaxson, and I realized that I didn't want him to be called Jack Daniels growing up! Although it is a pretty cool nickname. We had been leaning more towards Jace anyway, so that made the decision easier!

The rocker is still in progress. 2 weeks ago the plan was to reupholster it with some cute fabric. But I was just in denial about how crafty and talented I could be, so after some consideration I realized that was a stupid idea for me to attempt. Maybe if I had decided to do that 9 months ago it could have been possible, but our baby could be here pretty much any day now so it's just not going to happen! We are just dying the cushions black and painting the wood.

That's about it for now. Less then two weeks left of work, and 2 weeks or less until Jace arrives. I'm so ready! Maybe next time I post will be with lots of cute baby boy Croft pictures!!!


  1. Hey Meghan. This is Nanette. I hope you don't mind me following your blog. I'm so glad that you have enjoyed your pregnancy. I can't believe it's already time for your baby to arrive. I love your baby's nursery. It is so cute. I also love the name. I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet baby boy!

  2. Jace is a great name ;)! I Can't wait to meet him!
